



Apply to study as an exchange student at 利记sbo

的 国际教育办公室 welcomes international exchange students from our partner universities around the world to study at 利记sbo for a semester or academic year. 利记sbo is a small private university located in Upstate New York, with a personal approach to learning and active collaboration with professors. Students have the opportunity to learn a variety of different subjects and be involved in numerous clubs and activities as well.

Interested students must first be nominated by their home university, which has exchange agreements with Utica 之前 applying for exchange. Please contact your international exchange office at your home university in order to find out your institution’s requirements for exchange and to be nominated to 利记sbo. Once you are, please fill out our application, found below.




2024 - 2025年字幕新闻

See below for important information about tasks you need to complete after your exchange application has been approved, 但 之前 你到达尤蒂卡.


Academic dates for upcoming semesters can be found on 我们的校历.
秋季到达日期:  2024年8月19日,星期一
春季到货日期:  2025年1月6日,星期一

支付SEVIS I-901费用
Regulations require all prospective J students to pay the I-901 Student and Exchange 访问or Information System (SEVIS) Fee 之前 the Department of State issues you a visa. 要支付I-901 SEVIS费用,请访问 www.fmjfee.com/i901fee/ 访问支付门户.


  • Enter your nine digit student ID number (Banner ID)
  • Enter the last four digits of your SEVIS ID number (on your DS-2019)
  • 输入您的出生日期(MM/DD/YYYY)
  • 激活您的帐户
To register for classes at 利记sbo, please go to our 网上报名网站 遵循以下三个步骤:

  1. 选择你计划参加的学期
    搜索 术语 (Fall starts in August and Spring starts in January) and click the 提交 但ton. 您将看到一个主题区域列表.
  2. 搜寻课程
    选择主题并单击 类搜索 但ton. 的 list of courses being offered in that subject area will appear.
    • 查看类别入口 会给一个简短的课程描述吗. 
    • 点击 the course title to see how many seats are available in the class.
    • 点击 图书信息 to see which textbooks are required and how much they cost. Note that 利记sbo uses a Book Bundling program that saves you money by adding a flat fee (currently $26) per credit hour to your student bill. Many of the books provided in the Bundle are digital. If you prefer to buy your physical books, you will have to 选择退出 of Book Bundling in your Banner account.
    • 点击 返回上一页 回到你的课程列表.
    • Once you have reviewed all the courses for the subject area click 新的搜索 and start the process for the next subject area.
  3. 提交您的课程选择 电子邮件.
    Make a list of eight (8) course selections in order of preference, and 电子邮件 the list to internationaled@尤蒂卡.edu.  You will only take 4-5 classes, 但 we ask you to choose more in case some have filled up.
    • 包括课程名称, section, and course number (ex: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology – 9309 –ANT 101D – A). 
    • Courses that end with a (- Z) are only offered online. 的se are not available to exchange students.
    • You will be registered for a maximum of five courses.
If you have any questions, please contact us at internationaled@尤蒂卡.edu

完成 房屋合约表格 列在 居住生活页面.  You need to login with your username and 密码. If space is available, exchange students are placed in the 地球村 在塔厅. Exchange students coming in the spring semester may be placed in other residence halls based on open availability. You will need to log into the form with your username and 密码.

居住生活页面 also provides important information such as a list of items to pack.

交换学生是注册在 黄金套餐计划. This plan includes unlimited meals in the 餐厅 Commons, plus $100 in Declining Balance per semester to spend as you wish at 的 Pioneer Cafe, 勒小酒馆, 非常Habeneros, Trax快餐店, 和共同理由.

提交你的健康表格到 学生健康中心
所有新生必须提交 健康资讯表格 and bring proof of immunizations and a recent physical exam with them, as required by New York State regulations. Students who did not have a physical exam 之前 arriving may arrange for one with the 健康中心 at a cost of $60. Student must show proof of immunization against measles, 流行性腮腺炎, and rubella (MMR).

We strongly recommend that students get fully vaccinated 之前 traveling to the United States. 除了麻疹, 流行性腮腺炎, 还有风疹免疫, the American College Health Association (ACHA) strongly recommends that students be vaccinated against tetanus, 百日咳, 白喉, 小儿麻痹症, 水痘, 乙型肝炎, 和脑膜炎. 然而, students who arrive without proof of full immunization can be vaccinated at the 健康中心. For more information on 利记sbo's Immunization Policy, please click here. 

Completed health forms should be uploaded into your student portal.




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For a general list of frequently used logins, you can also visit 我们的登录页面.